
Kwotes (2)

beware: this shit is indeed very addictive.

It's nature. How do you make nature against the fucking law? It grows everywhere. Serves a thousand different functions, all of them positive. To make marijuana against the law is like saying to God made a mistake. You know what I mean, it's like God on the seventh day looked down on his creation:
"There it is, my creation, perfect and holy in all ways. Now, I can rest."
[Mimes God looking around - spotting pot]
"Oh my me."
"I left fucking pot everywhere."
"I should never have smoked that joint on the third day ..shit."
"That was the day I created possums. Haha. Still gives me a chuckle."
"If I leave pot everywhere that's gonna to give humans the impression they're supposed to... 'use' it."
"(sigh)Now I have to create Republicans."

I've been playing Dance Dance Revolution Max 2 for only a week and i've lost 10 pounds.
That's nice.
Really, you should try it. You need to get in shape.
I am in shape. Round is a shape.

<[Ht]Fro> Here in canada we have a special program to deal with the homeless...it's called winter

america is bart, canada is millhouse
/* After a long long idle pause */
...silence is a form of consent...
so you can rape a mute woman legally?
whats she gunna do...scream in sign language?
yeh, they call it "punching"

Ryk> "let's be friends" is what chicks say when they're feeling guilty about shafting someone.
they don't mean it.
they mean the kind of friends that never speak and never see each other.
thats the best kind of friends

Katto: They will keep fighting, they think that dying in battle for their God is the greatest honor. But they also think they'll go to hell if they have pork in their stomach. Solution: Pork bullets.

I need a button that makes me go forward in time
<@Ushi> They have that.
<@Ushi> It's called liqour.

stupid internet
whats up with it? works fine for me :
its slow as hell
im going to call them up and ask for it to be restarted
the internet?

Cat1013: So, my boss is blabbing on about "how to improve your productivity and be a mental asset to the company"
Cat1013: And all I can think of is how the letters in "mental asset" can be rearranged to spell "metal ass net"
Cat1013: I think I need therapy

CNN is reporting that Lance Armstrong may be stripped of his 6th Tour de France title.
In a random check for banned substances, three were found in Armstrong's hotel room.
The substances banned by the French that were found in his hotel room were as follows: (1) Toothpaste, (2) Deodorant, (3) Soap
The French officials also found several other items which they had never seen before, including a testicle and a backbone...
Earlier reports that French Government officials attempted to surrender to Armstrong as he entered Paris were apparently erroneous.

I never watched the Power Rangers. So I guess I just figured that they were like forest rangers, but more powerful. Maybe even as powerful as me. I know that I am pretty powerful when it comes to forest stuff, because Smokey the Bear is all, "Only you can prevent forest fires." If I'm the only one, I must be pretty powerful.

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